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Understanding the French Education System (evening)

Two presentations, 11h45-14h15 or 19h30-22h00
This reservation is for the evening session.
Paris, 75016

Guest speaker: Florence Créneguy

Presentation: Mme Créneguy will explain how the French system ‘traditionally’ works from Primary through University and some of the ‘problems’ that gifted children typically encounter in schools. While the French Government is currently engaged in initiating and implementing education reforms and much remains to be seen, this talk will focus on the general practices and theories of the public and semi-private system as well as Mme Créneguy’s long career as a teacher until her retirement three years ago. This talk is generally aimed at helping parents manage the French system by understanding how it is structured and opportunities to make it work for your child. With your RSVP, please send along your questions including the ages and grades of your children. This will help us understand the needs of the participants.
General information on the French system can be found in this link:

About the presenter: Mme Créneguy was a teacher for 41 years and taught for 31 years at Gerson, a Catholic semi-private school »sous contrat d’association » in the 16th. She became involved in the creation of specific sections for gifted children in college there, and taught gifted children for 21 years. She has worked with AFEP, AFAREC, Paris 5 University and Education Nationale. She has presented on the topic to parents, teachers, and members of the Education system in schools and organizations in France, including Gifted in France. She is currently a private consultant in helping gifted children and their parents.