May 13, 2019
Two presentations, 10h-12h30 or 19h30-22h00
This reservation is for the morning session.
Paris, 75016
Join us for a viewing of DVD featuring the late Dr. Jim Webb, founder of SENG gifted in USA.
Group discussion will follow.
This presentation is for parents, educators and mental health professionals. Topics covered include what it means to be a gifted or twice-exceptional person. We explore common characteristics and myths associated with this population. (Twice-exceptional child has two exceptionalities: his giftedness and a special need, learning disorder/disability or challenge, such as dyslexia, ADHD). Reservation is mandatory. Open to members and non-members. Members have priority. Space is limited, held at a private residence. RSVP in advance is mandatory and closes May 10, latest.
Back to All Events
Earlier Event: May 12
The Art of Seeing-Photography Workshop (ages 10-14) Two parts: May 12 & 19
Later Event: May 16
Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnosis of Gifted Children May 16, 20