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Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnosis of Gifted Children May 16, 20

Two presentations: 10h00-12h30 or 18h45-22h00
90-minute Recorded webinar followed by Q&A and discussion.
(we need a minimum of 8 participants to have a meeting. Space limited to 15)

Description of Webinar: “Many of our brightest, most creative, most independent-thinking children are being incorrectly diagnosed as having behavioral or mental disorders, such as ADHD or Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Stigmatizing labels can harm their sense of self, and treatment may be unnecessary and even harmful. Some health conditions, such as allergies and asthma, are actually more common among gifted children, but are overlooked or the giftedness component neglected. Though teachers cannot diagnose, research indicates that teachers are important in suggesting referrals. Because few psychologists, physicians, or other health care professionals receive training about gifted children, educators and parents must become informed. Based on recent research and clinical experience, this workshop describes ways to differentiate whether a child suffers from disorders such as ADHD, or whether the child is simply showing gifted behaviors. Additional focus is given to dual diagnoses of gifted children, those who are twice-exceptional (2e).”

RSVP: Everyone is welcome, but priority is given to parents who have already attended Gifted 101 & Gifted 102.

About the Presenter: The late James T. Webb, Ph.D., the founder of Supporting Emotional Needs of Gifted (SENG), was recognized as one of the most influential psychologists nationally on gifted education. The lead author of several books and numerous articles about gifted children, served on the Board of Directors for the National Association for Gifted Children.

Participation Fee: Members: 7€/ Non-members 12€/ per person (charges also cover PayPal fees)